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How Can an Under 18 Change Their Name in the UK – Get Expert’s Support Online

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Posted on: 08/30/24

How can an under 18 change their name in the UK” is a common question for varied reasons to change the name. It is a crucial process that requires consent from those with parental responsibility. The process typically begins with the completion of a Deed Poll, a legal document that formalises the change of name. For minors, the Deed Poll must be signed by everyone with parental responsibility, and in some cases, a court order may be necessary if one parent disagrees. A Deed Poll can be prepared through a solicitor or by using a deed poll service, though it’s important to ensure the document meets legal requirements. It must include the minor's current name, the new name, and a declaration that the minor will abandon the old name and only use the new one.

Once the Deed Poll is completed, the next step is to inform relevant institutions, such as schools, doctors, and financial bodies, of the name change. It is also advisable to update passports and other official documents to reflect the new name. For a name change to be effective, the new name must be used consistently. This means updating records across all areas of life, including social media, to prevent any confusion. It is important to note that a name change does not alter any other legal status or rights of the minor.

In cases where there is disagreement among those with parental responsibility, the family court can be approached to make a decision that is in the best interest of the child. Changing a name is a significant step, and careful consideration should be given to its long-term implications.

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